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AutismTN Annual 50/50 Raffle

    A huge THANK YOU to everyone who purchased 50/50 raffle tickets!

Your support has helped us raise an incredible $4350, which will go directly towards supporting our mission. We are overwhelmed by your generosity and dedication to making a difference in our community.

And now, let's give a round of applause to our lucky winners of the 50/50 raffle: David and Michele!
Congratulations on your win!

Thank you again to everyone who participated. Your contributions are truly making a difference in the lives of those we serve.

AutismTN receives no state or federal funding. We raise 100% of our budget every year through grants, fundraisers, and individual contributions. No matter the amount, your donation to Autism Tennessee can make a difference in the life of someone right here in Middle TN.

About us

Autism Tennessee bridges the gaps between support, resources, and programs, so Autistic individuals are empowered to recognize their potential and discover the meaningful connections needed to realize their goals.

Autism Tennessee, legal name ASMT, Inc. is a 501(c)3 charitable organization and donations are tax deductible. This statement is not intended to be tax advice.

100% of donations stay in Middle Tennessee to provide Support, Education, and Advocacy for the autism community.

Tax ID # 27-1003749

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