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Welcome to AutismTN, where we are committed to supporting autistic individuals and families.  Our comprehensive programs offer a wide range of resources designed to empower you throughout your autism journey.  We believe in building a supportive and inclusive community that celebrates neurodiversity and promotes the well-being of autistic individuals. Join us as we work together to create a more understanding, empathetic, and accepting world for all.

Through our self-advocate programs, we offer opportunities for autistic individuals to develop meaningful connections and nurture a strong sense of belonging.

AutismTN is thrilled to offer a variety of social events for individuals and families alike. These events are designed to promote community and friendship, while providing a comfortable and welcoming environment for all.

For families seeking a sense of community and understanding, we offer social networking groups. These gatherings provide a welcoming space for families to connect, share experiences, and build lasting bonds with others.

We offer educational opportunities to both autistic individuals, their families, and the community. Workshops, seminars, and webinars provide valuable insights, strategies, and tools for navigating life with ASD. From early intervention techniques to fostering independence in adulthood, our educational initiatives empower individuals to thrive and reach their full potential.

Our signature HELPline service provides personalized support through one-on-one interactions with a dedicated HELPline Advocate. Whether you need information on available resources, guidance on navigating the complexities of autism-related services, or just a listening ear, our Advocates are here to assist you every step of the way.

AutismTN is dedicated to advocating for the rights and needs of autistic individuals. Our advocacy efforts strive to create awareness, break barriers, and influence policies that promote inclusivity and equal opportunities for all. We collaborate with community organizations to ensure the voices of the autism community are heard and respected.

(615) 270-2077
955 Woodland Street,
Nashville, TN 37206

Click Here for Crisis Chat Now
(service provided by Family and Children's

Autism Tennessee, legal name ASMT, Inc. is a 501(c)3 charitable organization and donations are tax deductible. This statement is not intended to be tax advice.
100% of donations stay in Middle Tennessee to provide Support, Education, and Advocacy for the autism community. 
Tax ID # 27-1003749
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