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As we approach the season of gratitude and giving, we reflect on the incredible journey AutismTN has had in 2023. We are deeply thankful for your continued support and belief in our mission to bridge the gaps between support, resources, and programs for the autistic community in Middle Tennessee.

This year has been marked by resilience, advocacy, and meaningful connections within our community. We've launched innovative programs, fought for important legislative changes, and created spaces where autistic individuals find belonging and support. As we look ahead to 2024, we invite you to be a crucial part of our mission through our End of Year Giving campaign.  Let us to look ahead to 2024...

  • Continue to refine our programming to ensure more members of the autistic community benefit from our programs
  • Enhance education initiatives, including the launch of our Building Bridges program to educate our local childcare providers
  • Strengthen advocacy efforts, particularly in response to crucial developments, such as the potential rejection of IDEA funding
  • Relaunch and grow our EmployME program, empowering teens and adults on their journey toward fulfilling employment and independent living

Will you join us in amplifying the voices of the autistic community in Middle Tennessee?
Your contribution will make a direct impact on the individuals who rely on our programs and services.
Every donation, big or small, helps us make a difference!

Read our 2024 Impact Report

Thank you for your support!

(615) 270-2077
955 Woodland St
Nashville, TN 37206

Click Here for Crisis Chat Now
(service provided by Family and Children's

Autism Tennessee, legal name ASMT, Inc. is a 501(c)3 charitable organization and donations are tax deductible. This statement is not intended to be tax advice.
100% of donations stay in Middle Tennessee to provide Support, Education, and Advocacy for the autism community. 
Tax ID # 27-1003749
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